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InfoMac 11-188
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Date: 20 Sep 93 17:15:03 GMT
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #188
Info-Mac Digest Mon, 20 Sep 93 Volume 11 : Issue 188
Today's Topics:
[*] "modform.txt" Text File (Amiga's ProTracker 1.1 format)
[*] Black Chancery extended font
[*] chrysanthemum1.01.cpt.hqx
[*] claris-works-school-dbs.hqx
[*] Comp-Sys-Mac-Comm FAQ (info-mac/report/comp-sys-mac-comm-faq.txt)
[*] conflict-catcher-ii-demo.hqx
[*] CopyDoubler 2.0.1 Lite Patcher
[*] DiskDup+ 2.22 from Roger Bates
[*] FileTyper 4.1
[*] FractalRoom gif
[*] Greg's Buttons 3.1.1
[*] hire-base-2.hqx
[*] Home Brew Binder
[*] InControl2.0Demo.sea.hqx
[*] Inside Mac Games - September '93 Free Preview Edition
[*] internet-services-faq-14.txt
[*] Lotto Simulator.Hqx
[*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.8.9
[*] Macintosh Power Off/On Article
[*] Mac Screensave/After Dark FAQ v1.4 (2 msgs)
[*] MailServer Forestry infos & binder
[*] Matt Paint 1.9.3 submission
[*] mcvert-213.shar
[*] Mini-review of $99 LineLink 144e Modem
[*] mod-info.txt
[*] MyBattery 2.1.0
[*] NET/Mac 2.3.27
[*] network-time-20-ps-doc.hqx
[*] network-time-20.hqx
[*] New BBEdit Extensions for Speech Manager
[*] NewsWatcher2.0d15 Latin1 (MIME compatible)
[*] New version of JCONV-DD
[*] NIH-Image 1.52
[*] NIH-Image 1.52 Docs
[*] Official comp.sys.mac.* test v2
[*] Peeping Tom 1.1
[*] Pentominoes 1.3 (board game)
[*] PopChar 2.6.1
[*] POPMail 2.0.9, belongs in comm
[*] san-francisco.hqx
[*] Shutdown FX 1.0.1 (INIT)
[*] So To Speak 1.0b10
[*] space-madness-111-demo.hqx
[*] Space Junkie 1.1
[*] Speech Manager/MacInTalk Pro/PlainTalk aware apps 6
[*] Speed Beep 2.0.6
[*] Startup Screen Picker 1.0 (INIT)
[*] Submission- Star Trek-DS9 Episode Guide 2.0 stack
[*] Submission- Star Trek-TNG Episode Guide 2.0 stack
[*] Submission- Star Trek-TOS Episode Guide 2.0 stack
[*] Symbionts 2.2.2
[*] Symbionts 2.2.2 self-applying patch for 2.2 users
[*] system enablers [A]
[*] Talking Clock Pro(tm) Source Code
[*] TurboGopher 1.0.7, belongs in comm
[*] Upload for Mac Archives
[*] Verifile 1.0.1
[*] WomenInSwimsuit.startupscreen
[*] ZZWoof_b10.cpt
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1993 19:16:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: jamal@bronze.lcs.mit.edu (Jamal Hannah)
Subject: [*] "modform.txt" Text File (Amiga's ProTracker 1.1 format)
>I don't have it, but I seem to remember that there's a really good
>tutorial packaged with the Mac mod player "The Sound Trecker". You
>can get if from wuarchive.wustl.edu, /mirrors/info-mac/sound/st.
Here is the Amiga (ProTracker) module format document. The first part
I got from a BBS, the second part I got from Mark Cox (author of
ModPlay, etc).
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/mod-form.txt; 18K]
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 17:03:33 CST
Subject: [*] Black Chancery extended font
After quite some time of downloading, it's about time to upload something.
A while ago, I downloaded the Black Chancery font, originally a bitmap
font by Doug Miles. It had been converted to TrueType by Dave Platt.
Unfortunately, even though I liked the font very much, it was of limited
use, since it did not have all the accented characters, which are much used
here in Mexico. However, last week a friend let me use Fontographer 3.5 on
his machine, so I was able to try and complete the font. Feeble attempts,
no doubt, for I am not a professional typographer, but I've tried to reuse
the elements already on the font (such as the tilde, acute & grave accents,
etc.), so as to avoid clashing with the style of the font.
Since I won't have the opportunity to truly complete all the missing
characters, it will have to remain as-is, unless some kind soul undertakes
the task. Enclosed you'll find the binhexed, stuffed folder containing
the bitmapped, TrueType and Postscript font files, as well as the Fontographer
workfile and Dave Platt's Readme.
Caveats: According to the font attributes listed by Fontographer, it is in
the public domain; if it is not please let me know. The bitmaps I've included
are in 9, 10, 12, 18, 20, and 24 points, although the original was in 24
points; Fontographer did a good job of regenning (especially the smaller
sizes) and the font is quite readable, even at 9 points, although it is a
heavy font. Finally, I added "Xtd" to the original name, Black ChanceryXtd,
to reflect that it has been extended with extra characters; it will,
however, appear as "Black Chancery" in the menu when installed (goes to
show that it is the first time I've gotten my grubby hands on Fontographer).
P.S. A request to all typographers developing fonts out there: please complete
the character sets, at least to include the accented and the n-tilde
chars. All of us who have to use these characters to properly write our
native language will be very grateful (this is also true of European
users, mind you).
[Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/black-chancery.hqx; 207K]
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1993 19:11:44 -0500 (CDT)
From: Ryan Richard Koopmans <koops@owlnet.rice.edu>
Subject: [*] chrysanthemum1.01.cpt.hqx
Ikebana, the Japanese art of floral arranging, goes headlong into the
twentieth century. In this action/strategy game, you must put speeding
flowers into their correct arrangements as fast as you can. But beware
the frumious bugs! Take too long and they will quickly envelop your
Version 1.01 includes bug fix.
Runs on any Mac with System 7.0 or later.
Copyright 1993 Ryan Koopmans
Unmodified copies may be distributed freely.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/chrysanthemum-101.hqx; 768K]
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 22:46:09 PDT
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] claris-works-school-dbs.hqx
(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu); Fri, 17 Sep 1993
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 05:55:05 -0500 (CDT)
From: Roger Barrus <barrus@tenet.edu>
Subject: CWAdmin.Data.hqx
To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Message-Id: <Pine.3.03.9309170505.A3812-h101000@Alice-Thurman.tenet.edu>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="0-132327797-748263875:#3812"
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
I am submitting this file to you for posting. :-) Maybe someone will find
it useful. The description is below. Please let me know if the file is
posted and where, if possible. I am new at this so I am not sure I am
sending this in appropriately.
Thanks for doing a great job with Info-Mac !!!
File: CWAdmin.Data.hqx
Author: Roger A. Barrus , barrus@tenet.edu , AOL RogerB1583
Equipment: Macintosh
Requires for use: ClarisWorks 2.0
Fees (if any): Shareware
% School Administrator Databases%
This file contains five ClarisWorks databases that are designed to
increase the productivity of public school administrators and their staff.
They require ClarisWorks 2.0.
% Transfer Data- This database keeps track of requests for transfer of
funds from one account to another. It also has a form layout for printing
your request.
% Budget Database- This database is used keep an up to date balance of
accounts. It is designed to calculate balances. You no longer need your
calculator !
% Budget P.O.- This database is used to process purchase orders. All you
do is enter all of the pertinent information. ClarisWorks 2.0 does the
rest! One layout is used to print your purchase order request on an
existing form. (You may have to arrange it to fit your forms.)
% Student Database- This database is used for student demographic data. It
also has a birthday layout so that you can send birthday notes to your
students by mail merging!
% Student Discipline Data- This is the latest database that I have
developed. This database is used to keep track of student discipline. It
takes advantage of one of ClarisWorks 2.0 's newest feature, auto entry.
This feature makes it very easy to enter discipline data.
Scanned for viruses with S.A.M. 3.5.3
Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="CWAdmin.Data.hqx"
Content-ID: <Pine.3.03.9309170635.B3812@Alice-Thurman.tenet.edu>
[Archived as /info-mac/app/claris-works-school-dbs.hqx; 72K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1993 09:07:59 -0700
From: Eric Rosen <eric@cse.ucsc.edu>
Subject: [*] Comp-Sys-Mac-Comm FAQ (info-mac/report/comp-sys-mac-comm-faq.txt)
Last-modified: Wed Sep 15 1993
This is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list for comp.sys.mac.comm
This list of frequently asked questions and answers is intended to help
reduce the number of "often asked questions" that make the rounds here
in comp.sys.mac.comm. Since comp.sys.mac.comm is intended as a forum to
discuss telecommunication (and related issues) that are specific to the
Macintosh, most questions about modems, telecommunications in general,
and other non-Macintosh specific communication questions are not listed
here. The proper newsgroup for such questions is usually comp.dcom.modems.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/comp-sys-mac-comm-faq.txt; 124K]
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 21:44:24 PDT
From: backmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] conflict-catcher-ii-demo.hqx
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1993 21:56:36 -0800
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
From: lorca@netcom.com (Lorca Hanns)
Subject: Conflict Catcher II (Demo)
Resent-To: backmod
Resent-Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1993 22:31:03 PDT
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>
Here it is as requested:
Conflict Catcher II (Demo)
Just released - the essential Macintosh Startup Software Manager=
Problem Solver.
Problem Solving:
80% of the problems with your Macintosh are software related. Conflict
Catcher II is just what you need to pinpoint your miserable startup
software problems such as crashes, frozen screens, printing problems=
more. We test your actual existing startup software, not merely consult
some outdated database of problems. The tests can be logged for later
Startup Software Management:
Conflict Catcher II is also a comprehensive startup software manager=
saves you time and memory. Now you can:
* Enable only the startup software that you need to get a particular=
job done.
* Create sets of startup files that you use for different jobs. Sets=
can be
enabled at startup with a simple keystroke.
* Link startup software that must run together, must never run together=
that has to load in a certain order.
* Manage your fonts (under System 7.1 or later) by allowing fonts=
to be
activated or deactivated, providing better memory management. Turn=
files on and off to allow more memory and a more usable font menu.=
* Generate complete system reports, including RAM requested and used=
startup files.
* Reorder startup files without renaming them
* Load aliases of your favorite startup files to a startup RAM disk=
saves memory and battery life on a Powerbook=81.
* Can show hidden startup icons, hide all startup icons, force icons=
wrap around and even pause the startup screen showing all icons.
=46or entry-level and power users alike - no Macintosh should be=
without it!
If you have startup software problems and you are using System 7=
or later,
simply download the solution - Conflict Catcher II.
This demonstration version will function for 3 days from the time=
installation. At that time, it will expire and deactivate itself.
Casady & Greene, Inc.
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/conflict-catcher-ii-demo.hqx; 121K]
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 10:36:16 PDT
From: harrym@netcom.com (Harry Myhre)
Subject: [*] CopyDoubler 2.0.1 Lite Patcher
August 16, 1993
This program patches the following versions of CopyDoubler to CopyDoubler 2.0
o CopyDoubler* 1.0 (AutoDoubler version)
o CopyDoubler* 1.0.1A (AutoDoubler version)
o CopyDoubler* 2.0 Lite
This patcher does not patch CopyDoubler 1.0.1, the full version of CopyDoubler
2.0, or the CopyDoubler 2.0 Demo. A separate patcher is available for the full
version of CopyDoubler 2.0. Users of CopyDoubler 1.0.1 (the standalone version
not shipped with AutoDoubler) should contact Fifth Generation Systems about
upgrading to the full version of CopyDoubler 2.0.1.
This patching program will automatically patch the installed copy if it can be
located. To patch a specific copy of CopyDoubler, hold down the option key
while clicking the "Patch" button. If you are patching the installed version
(the default), you must restart your Macintosh after the patching process is
finished for the changes to take effect.
CopyDoubler 1.0 and 1.0.1A users: CopyDoubler 2.0 Lite is very similiar to
CopyDoubler 1.0.x, with the additional ability of compressing files as they
copied. To use this feature, hold down the Control key (Shift for Mac Plus
users) while invoking a copy to bring up an options dialog, where compression
and other one-time options can be set.
CopyDoubler 2.0.1 Lite Changes:
o Fixed a compatibility problem where CopyDoubler Lite would not perform a
copy if Apple's PowerTalk (AOCE) or Personal File Assistant software is
o Fixed a bug where CopyDoubler Lite would compress invisible files when
compressing while copying.
o Fixed a bug where files on a hard disk could get deleted when drag copying a
blank floppy disk onto another floppy disk.
o Fixed a bug where CopyDoubler Lite was trying to handle copying to and from
MFS formatted disks and producing an error. The Finder should now handle all
copies to and from MFS disks.
o Fixed a bug where an applications reference in the desktop file wasnt always
getting deleted when that application itself was deleted by the user.
o Fixed a bug where copying files between floppies could produce a file
exists error.
o Fixed a bug which could cause the Mac to ask the user to reinsert ejected
floppy disks when a copy was invoked, even if the copy did not involve the
ejected floppy.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/copy-doubler-lite-201-updt.hqx; 140K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 93 22:03:54 MET DST
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] DiskDup+ 2.22 from Roger Bates
This is Disk Dup Plus 2.22 from Roger Bates. Shareware.
Replaces version 2.21 on the archives.
Binhexed StuffIt file with readme included.
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/disk-dup-plus-222.hqx; 32K]
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 09:35:42 -0700
From: kalkwarf@netcom.com (Steve Kalkwarf)
Subject: [*] FileTyper 4.1
Here is FileTyper 4.1, the shareware type/creator/Finder attribute editor.
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-typer-41.hqx; 140K]
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1993 19:40:28 -0600
From: perdue@csn.org (James "Newt" Perdue)
Subject: [*] FractalRoom gif
File Name: Fractal_Room_CDROM_GIF.hqx
Directory: Graphics
No Problem to Include on Commercial CD-ROM
This is a 640 x 480 .gif file of an imaginary Fractal Room made from the
fractal Mosaics on the HFS CD-ROM for the Mac called "Calculated Beauty" by
Rocky Mountain Digital Peeks (800-266-RMDP). The original document was
written at 300 dpi and was made from 3 images, each 20 MB each. The people
came from PhotoCD and were placed using PhotoShop.
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/calculated-beauty.hqx; 229K]
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 21:26 BST
From: gdl1000@cus.cam.ac.uk (G.D. Landweber)
Subject: [*] Greg's Buttons 3.1.1
Greg's Buttons v3.1.1 (22 August 1993) (c)1991-93 Gregory D. Landweber
REGISTRATION FEE: US $15 or UK L10 Internet: gdl1000@cus.cam.ac.uk
Greg's Buttons is a control panel that lets you customize the user interface
of a Macintosh running System 7. Greg's Buttons requires that your Mac
support color, so it won't work on the Plus, SE, Classic, or PowerBook 100.
It works fine with both color and gray-scale monitors, and although it will
still work on a black and white screen, the effect will not be as impressive.
Changes since v3.1
o Fixed the conflict with the Now Menus application substitution feature.
o Updated the contact information. You can now register using CompuServe.
List of Features
o Replaces the standard flat black and white push buttons, check boxes,
and radio buttons with tasteful 3-D color ones. These buttons are
designed to complement the windows and scroll bars in the System 7
interface, and in particular they use the color tints that you can
select in the "Color" control panel. You can choose from two styles
of push buttons and three styles of radio buttons and check boxes.
o Lets you select the background color of dialog boxes, menus (both
the text and background colors), and Finder windows.
o Substitutes a font of your choice (chosen from Palatino and two
versions of Helvetica) for Chicago as your system font.
o Colorizes the mini icons (the smallest size that you can select
in the "Views" control panel) in Finder list views (View by Name,
Date, Size, Kind, Label, Version, Comment, Astrological Sign, etc).
o Colorizes the stop sign, caution, and note alert icons.
o If you colorize your menus and use "thousands of colors", you may get
gibberish in the menu bar when you launch an application. This is a
bug in the system software, and there is nothing I can do about it.
o If you colorize your dialog boxes, you may notice that alerts are drawn
with a grayed-out border. This is a known bug in the system software.
"They don't look like buttons unless they're Greg's Buttons."
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/gregs-buttons-311.hqx; 64K]
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 22:45:19 PDT
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] hire-base-2.hqx
Event scheduling, equipment hire, room bookings, training, staff service,
client history, invoicing, facility records, library loans, letters, mail
merge, labels, alternate acedemic calendar, public holidays and alert
warnings, pop-up screens, numerous statstics, reports, graphs,
spreadsheets, networkable multi-user, high performance relational database.
Chris Ruston.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/hire-base-2.hqx; 1063K]
Date: Mon, 22 May 05 13:35:44 HNE
Subject: [*] Home Brew Binder
You like beer? You would like to brew your own? You would like informations on
brewing? You would like to be in contact with persons having the same hobby?
Home Brew Binder is an Archivist file containing the Home Brew electronic
magazine distributed free on internet to all registered persons.
You must use HyperCard 2.1 partitioned to at least 2 megs of RAM to launch
This file was formated with BinHex 4.0
[Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/archivist-homebrew-binder-hc.hqx; 1160K]
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 14:14:45 EDT
From: Franklin Davis <fad@Think.COM>
Subject: [*] InControl2.0Demo.sea.hqx
[I was asked by Attain Corp. to post this demo to the archives.
They gave permission to include it in the CD-ROM. I've sent them
the posting guidelines so they'll post updates directly in the
--Franklin Davis fad@think.com]
WELCOME to a demonstration of IN CONTROL.
If you have ever used outlining software such as MORE or Acta, you will
find IN CONTROL to be familiar and powerful. And even if you're not
familiar with traditional outlining software, you'll find the concepts easy
to grasp and instantly useful.
IN CONTROL adds a whole new dimension of power beyond what is available in
simple outliners. With IN CONTROL you can add new columns of information
associated with each topic in the outline. And you can use these new
columns to arrange and quickly re-arrange your outline into different
orders. So you can see the top priority things to do for the California
project, or all the things assigned to Ellis that are due before next
Friday. With the click of a button, you can also see your to-do list
displayed in an interactive calendar view.
IN CONTROL is unlike ordinary calendar or outline programs. While calendars
can remind you of upcoming events, only IN CONTROL helps you decide WHAT TO
DO as well as when to do it.
IN CONTROL is the only To-Do List Manager that lets you organize all your
activities in an outline in a prioritized list and on your calendar. You
choose the organization that's best.
Starting to use IN CONTROL doesn't require a big investment of time or
effort. Just type in your list and IN CONTROL is ready to help you juggle
priorities, decide what to do next, and remember important dates,
assignments, and details.
You can set priorities, assign responsibilities, choose dates, and
instantly sort your list in order based on any of these values. And you can
quickly focus on just those items in the list that match any criteria you
specify. You can view your lists as outlines, calendars, or both.
____________ REQUIREMENTS
IN CONTROL requires the following equipment and software:
Macintosh Plus or greater, including any current
Macintosh model.
System Software version 6.0.5 or later, or 7.0 or later
600K bytes of memory; more for larger files
Two 800K floppy disk drives or a hard disk
System 7 Users: IN CONTROL provides Balloon Help, supports TrueType and the
required AppleEvents, and is 32-bit compatible.
[Archived as /info-mac/text/in-control-20-demo.hqx; 492K]
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1993 19:39:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian Thomas <n8348220@henson.cc.wwu.edu>
Subject: [*] Inside Mac Games - September '93 Free Preview Edition
Inside Mac Games is a complete color electronic magazine with news,
reviews, commentaries, interviews and many other features. This Free
Preview Edition features a sneak peek at Star Trek - 25th Anniversary,
reviews of Pathways into Darkness, V for Victory 4, and Carriers at War,
as well as an exclusive interview with Psygnosis' CEO and Senior
Programmer. And of course, a complete report from the floors of MACWORLD
EXPO Boston '93.
The magazine will work on any Mac and needs not other software to be
viewed. Complete information about subscriptions is included in this free
preview edition.
For more information, contact imgames@aol.com.
[Archived as /info-mac/per/inside-mac-games-93-09-preview.hqx; 787K]
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1993 10:07:28 -0700
From: Kevin Savetz <savetz@bolero.rahul.net>
Subject: [*] internet-services-faq-14.txt
Archive-name: internet-services/faq
Last-Modified: 1993/9/13
Version: 1.4
Version 1.4 - 13 September, 1993
2.1: Updated info on e-mail to Prodigy
2.2: Added info on telnet to GEnie
2.4: Updated info on finding college e-mail addresses
3.1: Added more online service provider info
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/internet-services-faq-14.txt; 43K]
Date: 16 Sep 1993 15:40:45 -0800
From: "Hirsch, Ed" <hirsch#m#_ed@msgate.corp.apple.com>
Subject: [*] Lotto Simulator.Hqx
BinHexed file includes the application and the readme file. This program was
written by me, Ed Hirsch and is a small text based game that simulates the
California Lottery. Please read the ReadMe file for info and disclaimer.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/california-lotto-simulator.hqx; 114K]
Date: 15 Sep 93 23:35:55 EDT
From: bruce grubb <72130.3557@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: [*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.8.9
Subject: [*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.8.9
Archive name: mac-ibm-compare189.txt
category: general information, text
This is version 1.8.9 of this report & should replace mac-ibm-compare188.txt.
Changes: Pentium, GeoPort, av Mac info updated. Due to the rapid changes in
computers I am interested in contributions from Digest and other readers to
flesh out, correct, or point out confusing parts in the report. Send comments
and information to CompuServe: 72130,3557; AOL: BruceG6069; or Internet:
This report compares the Mac and IBM machines CPUs, hardware {monitor
support and expansion}, operating systems {includes number crunching},
networking & printing; it covers not only present hardware/software
statistics and features but also future possibilities.
Despite its condensed and generalized format it still provides some thought-
provoking reading on the relative merits, problems, and deficiencies of Macs
and IBM PCs. It also contains some FAQ answers about both machines.
Note: for proper reading off line this document should be in 9 point Monaco.
[Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/mac-ibm-compare-189.txt; 48K]
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1993 11:07:50 -0800
From: thorn@leland.stanford.edu (Shannon Thornburg)
Subject: [*] Macintosh Power Off/On Article
Several people have requested copies of the article by Tim Oey on turning
Macs on/off and how it affects computer lifetime. This is information that
everyone who owns a Mac should look at, since it gives guidelines on how
you can make your computer last as long as possible. Tim has generously
agreed to make the information available electronically.
Here is the latest version of that article, in text format. See the notes
at the end for more information on distribution guidelines.
[Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/power-cycle.txt; 12K]
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 0:49:59 BST
From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] Mac Screensave/After Dark FAQ v1.4
Here's v1.4 of the Mac screensaver/After Dark FAQ. A copy should go wherever
you archive the After Dark modules, and an alias or other copy wherever you
keep other screensavers. I'd be grateful if you could call one 'After Dark
FAQ' and the other 'Screensaver FAQ', to make sure that people look at it.
And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Leslie Jones for his Zterm
FAQ. Without the 'increase port buffer' advice therein, you wouldn't be
reading this - it's the only thing that stopped ZTerm from crashing once
my uni. server had received 16K of text and the *?!@ terminal server caused
a backup that crashed ZTerm as it reached 20K and overflowed the standard
4K buffer. (And reinstalling everything I could think of was an interesting
diversion before I hit on this.)
Thanks, Leslie. And thanks, Dave Alverson, for a neat piece of software.
Come the next version of ZTerm and its rumoured Kermit facilities, I might
even be able to download from my *?!@ terminal server, since zmodem et al
won't work that way... although I doubt it.
-- Lloyd.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ad/ad-faq-14.txt; 65K]
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 0:49:59 BST
From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] Mac Screensave/After Dark FAQ v1.4
Here's v1.4 of the Mac screensaver/After Dark FAQ. A copy should go wherever
you archive the After Dark modules, and an alias or other copy wherever you
keep other screensavers. I'd be grateful if you could call one 'After Dark
FAQ' and the other 'Screensaver FAQ', to make sure that people look at it.
And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Leslie Jones for his Zterm
FAQ. Without the 'increase port buffer' advice therein, you wouldn't be
reading this - it's the only thing that stopped ZTerm from crashing once
my uni. server had received 16K of text and the *?!@ terminal server caused
a backup that crashed ZTerm as it reached 20K and overflowed the standard
4K buffer. (And reinstalling everything I could think of was an interesting
diversion before I hit on this.)
Thanks, Leslie. And thanks, Dave Alverson, for a neat piece of software.
Come the next version of ZTerm and its rumoured Kermit facilities, I might
even be able to download from my *?!@ terminal server, since zmodem et al
won't work that way... although I doubt it.
-- Lloyd.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ad/ad-faq-14.txt; 65K]
Date: Mon, 22 May 05 13:35:44 HNE
Subject: [*] MailServer Forestry infos & binder
The file named MailServer Forestry is an Archivist 4.1 file containing all the
informations on a new billboard entirely dedicated to forestry. It contains
login infos, a membership list, and other goodies.
With this electronic binder, you will be able to put all the valuable
obtained from InterNet.
This tool must be used on a Macintosh and with HyperCard version 2,1 (or
better!) partitioned to at least 2 megs RAM.
BinHex 4.0 has been used to format this application
[Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/archivist-forestry-binder-hc.hqx; 320K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 93 13:56:23 -0500
From: mbattey@cse.unl.edu (matthew battey)
Subject: [*] Matt Paint 1.9.3 submission
This is a submission of Matt Paint 1.9.3 which is an upgrade to
Matt Paint 1.9.2d
Thank you,
Matt Battey
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/matt-paint-192d.hqx; 173K]
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 17:18:16 -0700
From: jskud@wv.MENTORG.COM (Joseph Skudlarek)
Subject: [*] mcvert-213.shar
mcvert converts among Macintosh file formats used for file interchange,
including BinHex 4.0 (.hqx) and MacBinary (.bin). mcvert is written
in C and runs on many popular UNIX boxes. See mcvert.1/mcvert.man
(the man page) for program details. See README for how to build mcvert.
Please replace mcvert-212.shar with mcvert-213.shar, which follows.
Major changes and current usage are described below.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/mcvert-213.shar; 149K]
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 93 15:39:28 -0400
From: MacFarland Hale <MacFarland.Hale@heckle.mitre.org>
Subject: [*] Mini-review of $99 LineLink 144e Modem
OK, here's the mini-review I promised. Hope it's of use to some of you.
Perhaps if I can get the couple of questions I ask below answered I can write
more complete review (is TidBITS interested Adam and Tonya?).
Warning! I'm no modem expert! Just a somewhat well-informed modem user - I
[Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/linelink-144e-modem-review.txt; 5K]
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 22:16:55 PDT
From: backmod (Backup Moderator)
Subject: [*] mod-info.txt
There are _NO_ standard sample rate for the samples used in modules.
But most often the samples are done on the rate called C-3 (which is
about 16574 Hz if you have a PAL machine). Sometimes drums are sampled
at A-3 (around 28 kHz), and some sounds are at ~8 kHz or anything else
to save space.
The sample rate on each of the channels can be selected by a period value,
which tells the hardware how many ~3.5 MHz clocks to count down before
playing the next sample. If you have a 16 kHz sample you simply play
it at a note that gives you 16 kHz sample rate. If you play it one octave
lower, you get a 8 kHz sample rate (and a double period value).
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/mod-info.txt; 26K]
Date: 05 Sep 1993 10:03:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Jeremy Kezer, (203) 676-6151" <KEZER%BRAVO@utrc.utc.com>
Subject: [*] MyBattery 2.1.0
MyBattery 2.1.0
MyBattery is the essential battery monitoring tool for Macintosh notebook
owners! Through user-selectable displays, MyBattery graphically shows
you how much battery charge is left. MyBattery also makes estimates of
how much remaining battery time you have.
Version 2.1.0 adds support for external batteries that plug into the AC
Shareware; $10 registration fee will activate all features. See enclosed docs
for more information.
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/my-battery-21.hqx; 113k]
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 16:03:11 -0400
From: Rick Nimtz <Richard.D.Nimtz.1@nd.edu>
Subject: [*] NET/Mac 2.3.27
Net/Mac version 2.3.27 a communication utility for use with Amateur Radio.
It gives tcp/ip capabilities via Packet Radio.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/radio-net-mac-2327.hqx; 265K]
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 22:46:07 PDT
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] network-time-20-ps-doc.hqx
(5.67a/IDA- for <macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu>); Sat, 18 Sep 1993
01:00:51 -0500
Message-Id: <199309180600.AA03676@tarski.cogsci.uiuc.edu>
X-Sender: resnick@tarski.cogsci.uiuc.edu
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========================_7085172==_"
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1993 01:00:56 -0500
To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu
From: resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu (Pete Resnick)
Subject: Network Time 2.0 - PostScript manual
This is the manual for Network Time 2.0 in PostScript format. The manual is
produced on double-sided US Legal (8 1/2 x 14) paper. There are two sets of
PostScript files, one for manual feed and one for cassette feed, each set
containing 4 files, for left-hand and right-hand pages, front and back.
Instructions are provided.
The manual is also available in MacWrite Pro format in the Network Time 2.0
archive, and is available in printed form from the author for US$5. Please
see the Network Time 2.0 archive for more information.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/network-time-20-ps-doc.hqx; 540K]
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 22:46:03 PDT
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] network-time-20.hqx
This is Network Time, version 2.0. Please replace any earlier versions=
Network Time you may have with this.
Network Time is a control panel program that sets the clock on your
Macintosh computer to the correct time of day. To do this, Network=
contacts a time server using the Apple MacTCP=A0network software=
to get the
correct time of day. Network Time automatically adjusts your clock=
into consideration the time zone and the daylight savings time rules=
you configure using the Network Time control panel.
Network Time requires at least a Macintosh Plus computer running=
software version 6.0.5 or later (including System 7) and requires=
version 1.1 or later. Network Time has full Balloon Help support.=
language versions of Network Time are available separately; the versions
that are now either avaiable or in progress are Chinese, Dutch, French,
German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
This package contains a QuickStart manual with basic instructions=
TeachText format and the full Network Time manual is provided in=
Pro format. The manual is also available in PostScript format in=
a separate
archive, and a printed copy of the manual can be obtained from the=
Network Time is a shareware program. Please send US$5 per copy or=
per 100 copies of Network Time, and US$5 per printed manual (along=
with any
questions or comments)=A0to:
Pete Resnick
1009 North Busey Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
You can also send electronic mail via the Internet to: resnick@cogsci.uiuc.e=
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/network-time-20.hqx; 209K]
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1993 17:35:50 -0500
From: markf@POST.queensu.ca (Mark Fleming)
Subject: [*] New BBEdit Extensions for Speech Manager
Two new BBEdit Extensions for speaking the selected text using Apple new
Speach Manager.
I was thing about writting a XTND capable speaking program, to allow
speaking of any word processing file, but no need since BBEdit is such a
Hence, Speak Sentences and Speaking my first BBEdit module.
1) Speak Sentences
Simple extension that use Apple's new speach manager to 'Talk' the
selected text.
2) Speaking
An extensiont that use Apple's new speach manager to 'Talk' the
selected text.
The use is presented with a dialog box with some limited control over how
text is spoken.
* You can ask it to spell the text or speak the text.
* You can use the Talk, Stop, Pause, and Continue buttons to control and
replay the text.
* The exit button is used to return to BBEdit.
As time permits I will add the 'standard missing features' selecting voice,
rate and pitch.
Mark Fleming
Copyright (c) 1993, All Rights Reserved.
[Archived as /info-mac/text/bbedit-speech.hqx; 6K]
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1993 18:09:03 +0100
From: Lasse =?iso-8859-1?Q?Hiller=F8e?= Petersen <lassehp@imv.aau.dk>
Subject: [*] NewsWatcher2.0d15 Latin1 (MIME compatible)
This is a Latin1 capable version of John Norstad's Macintosh newsreader,
NewsWatcher. If you read newsgroups were Latin1 is sometimes used,=
such as
soc.culture.{french,german,...} or national/local hierarchies, this=
something for you.
I have modified NewsWatcher 2.0d15 to support ISO 8859-1 (Latin alphabet
No. 1) character set in a MIME compatible way:
- When reading articles, characters will be converted from 8bit Latin1=
the Macintosh character set, no matter what. 8bit Latin1 is widely=
used on
Usenet, so I consider it the de facto standard.
- When posting articles, characters will be converted to Latin1 and=
using 8bit encoding, with appropriate MIME headers.
- When mailing replies, characters will be converted to Latin1 and=
with MIME headers, using 7bit quoted-printable encoding which is=
for Eudora1.4. (Highly recommended.)
The read-me file for this modification is included in the about box.=
full documentation of NewsWatcher, refer to the original NewsWatcher2.0d15
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/news-watcher-latin1.hqx; 140K]
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1993 15:34:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: SAKIMURA@vaxr.sscl.uwo.ca (Natsu Sakimura)
Subject: [*] New version of JCONV-DD
JCONV-DD -- a JIS<->SJIS<->EUC converter
ver.: 1.3
Type: Application
Author: Natsu Sakimura
Date: 1993.08.31
System Requirement: System 7.0 or later
Distribution: Freeware
JCONV-DD is a drag & drop application which performs
the conversion of JIS, SJIS and EUC files. It
auto-detects the encoding scheme of the file which was
Version 1.3 is a major upgrade from version 0.2b in
the sense that
It incorporated the ver.3.0 of jconv by Ken Lunde
It incorporated most of the options available in
Ken Lunde's jconv, e.g. Repair-jis.
[BTW, jconv 3.0 is available from info-mac archive
in the util directory if I remember correctly. ]
[Archived as /info-mac/app/jconv-dd-13.hqx; 67K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1993 14:46:49 +0200
From: dittmer@fokus.uke.uni-hamburg.de (Ulf Dittmer)
Subject: [*] NIH-Image 1.52
Dear Moderators !
This is the latest version of the image processing
application NIH-Image (1.52). This and the following
documentation file should be archived as
app/nih-image-152.hqx and
and are meant to replace
Major changes since 1.49 are :
- lots of bug fixes
- support for many Photoshop plug-in filters
- support for editing text files
- no FPU is required
Note that I didn't write the program. As always, it comes
>From Wayne Rasband from the National Institute of Health.
Greetings, Ulf
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/nih-image-152.hqx; 508K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1993 14:51:43 +0200
From: dittmer@fokus.uke.uni-hamburg.de (Ulf Dittmer)
Subject: [*] NIH-Image 1.52 Docs
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/nih-image-docs-152.hqx; 407K]
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 93 19:38:04 BST
From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] Official comp.sys.mac.* test v2
I found this to be funny. Is it worth putting in the archives?
Lloyd Wood
Okay, here we go....
You've probably seen and scored yourself on the Purity Test, the Talk.Bizarre
test, the Nerd test, and numerous others. And now, for the second time, we
present the...
Based on the sayings and doings of the group over the recent months.
This September 1993 test may be out of date very soon - suggestions to
This test is scored purely on experience points. If you can answer 'yes' to
a question, it's an experience point, and you follow the indented related
questions. If you answer no, score nothing for that question, and look at
the next question at the same indentation level.
Score an extra point every time you admit to being smug.
The more the points, the more your guru status, and the smugger you must be.
If you score maximum points, you obviously cheated.
This test is not for the humo(u)r... differently-abled.
:-) :-) :-)
Do you own a Mac?
Are you smug?
[Archived as /info-mac/info/comp-sys-mac-test-not.txt; 26K]
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 93 08:48:01 -0700
From: ez015670@othello.ucdavis.edu
Subject: [*] Peeping Tom 1.1
Peeping Tom v1.1 9/93
Copyright )1993, Bret Olmsted
All Rights Reserved.
Peeping Tom is a shareware init/background application that
keeps track of the current applications and desk accessories
that are open. When processes are quit, Peeping Tom writes
the information that it has on the dead process to a text file
in the System Folder. The log file shows information on when
each process was started and the total time it ran. Peeping
Tom also shows the average CPU usage of the process. The
percentage represents how much the process used of the CPU
while the process was running.
Peeping Tom is very useful for monitoring computers. Peeping
Tom sits in the background and silently monitors the user's
activities. It keeps track of time spent on the computer,
which is perfect for those who bill their customers on a hourly
basis. Peeping Tom outputs to a text file that can then be
easily searched.
While running, Peeping Tom takes almost no processing time
away from other applications. Because of this, the times in
the log file can be off by as much as three seconds (which is
a very small price to pay). Peeping Tom comes alive every
five seconds and scans for processes. Any process's that have
died are immediately logged to the log file.
The default file type is 'TEXT' and the default creator type
is 'KAHL'. This can very easily be changed using a program
like ResEdit. I have created a template to make the changing
of these settings very easy.
Peeping Tom requires System 7 because of the Process Manager
[Archived as /info-mac/app/peeping-tom-11.hqx; 24K]
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 19:32:25 EDT
From: f8dy@netaxs.com
Subject: [*] Pentominoes 1.3 (board game)
Pentominoes is a board game where you must fit 12 pieces (of five squares
each) into a variety of boards. Pieces may be rotated or flipped, but may
not overlap each other. A great geometric puzzler that goes back 40 years!
Pentominoes 1.3 adds support for apple events, speeds up screen updates,
adds support for 2-bit monitor depth, and fixes several obscure bugs. Also,
there are now menu items for placing and removing pieces, to accomodate
users who may have difficulty double-clicking.
System 6 and 7 compatible; supports B/W, grayscale, and color monitors;
includes sounds. Sounds work under system 6, but may require 6.0.7.
Pentominoes is free; there is no shareware fee. You may redistribute it
as long as no fee is charged for it, with the exception of nominal disk
copying fees to cover costs. For the latest version of Pentominoes or any
other program by the same author, send e-mail to f8dy@netaxs.com, with a
subject line "Pentominoes request" or "Program list request".
Pentominoes 1.3 is copyright 1993 by Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group.
[To sumex archivists: this archive replaces /game/brd/pentaminoes-121.hqx and
/game/brd/pentominoes-12.hqx. To other archivists: this archive replaces all
previous versions of Pentominoes, all the way back to (ack!) version 0.4.]
[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/pentominoes-13.hqx; 202K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 93 15:18:54 +0100
From: Guenther Blaschek <gue@soft.uni-linz.ac.at>
Subject: [*] PopChar 2.6.1
This is PopChar version 2.6.1. Much has changed since the last public
- A complete rewrite of essential parts was taken to make PopChar
compatible with Microsoft Works 3.0.
- The incompatibility with MacWrite Pro was resolved.
- PopChar can now be invoked from an icon menu next to the help menu
(System 7 only).
- Up to 255 characters can now be inserted in the "More" mode.
- The hiliting of the menus was removed.
- The font size is now chosen such that the character chart always fits
on the main monitor.
- The frame around the "P" icon is not drawn on secondary monitors any
- The PopChar settings are now stored in a preferences file rather than
ion a resource in the control panel itself.
- The PopChar icon was made more "System-7-ish".
- The "ATR patch" was removed. It isn't necessary any more.
- The documentation was converted to TeachText format.
For those who do not know what PopChar is for:
PopChar is a control panel that simplifies "typing" of unusual characters.
Click the PopChar icon in the menu bar, select the character you want,
and PopChar automatically inserts it in the current document as if you had
typed the proper key combination on the keyboard.
PopChar is FREE. TeachText documentation included.
e Guenther Blaschek, University of Linz, Austria
gu E-Mail: <gue@soft.uni-linz.ac.at>
[Archived as /info-mac/text/pop-char-261.hqx; 54K]
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 17:11:02 -0700
From: owen@astro.washington.edu (Russell E. Owen)
Subject: [*] POPMail 2.0.9, belongs in comm
Here is POPMail II, version 2.0.9, an e-mail client that can talk to POP,
POP2, POP3 and IMAP2 mail servers. You'll also need MacTCP (sold by Apple),
a connection to The Internet, and a mail server.
This supercedes version 2.0.8, which is presently on the archives.
Update information from the ReadMe follows.
POPmail 2.09 Features
1. Now able to support multiple settings files without needing multiple
of POPMail.
2. If someone is unkind enough to send a partial binhex enclosure it will
try to decode the enclosure. If it finds that it has received all of the
message and can not finish decoding because it is incomplete, it does the
following. It will fetch the message again treating it as a text message and
shows the entire message, - partial enclosure and all as message text.
3. The following has become a standard feature. When messages are deleted
are moved into the trash. They will be permanently deleted when the user
POPmail. If you delete a message and want it back do the following. Go into
the trash. Drag the likely message out of the trash folder to some
location (Only because the finder will not let you open files in the
And then double-click on it. POPMail will open it in a simple text window
document. If it is the one you wish to keep move it back into the incoming
message directory.
4. Check out the Search Files program. It is Shareware so if you like it
please send the author his shareware fee. :-) You can use this little
application to search your message directory or a tree of directories such as
folder which contains all of your archive folders. And it will search down
the directories contained within folders within folders. It is quite fast
and works quite nicely in the background.
It will show the file where it found a match for the search string and a
short line of context for it. You can choose to see all hits in a file or
the first hit. Double-click on a line it displays and the message (archive or
incoming) will open in a simple text window. Can be nice if you wish to send
summary of several messages received or just read several messages while
composing a reply.
5. Messages that are archived with this version will retain their correct
position. So that they show up in the correct order when viewed by date which
is the normal ordering. They will show up at the end of an archive when
archived. But when the archive is re-opened later they sort out to their
correct position.
6. An Enclosures directory has been added. The directory if not specified
be created automatically in the same directory as the POPmail application when
user does their first fetch.
POPmail 2.09 Fixes
1. Fixed memory leak in dns code. Introduced in version 2.07. Likely to go
unnoticed by most people. But MailStop users would notice that they received
'memory is low' dialog often. This dns code would occasionally not timeout
requiring a kill of the program. Timeouts are friendly and have returned.
2. Fixed a bug in the Set Folder Dialog for System 7.x users. Dialog did not
always retain the full info. On next restart the user would get a 'Please set
the folder location' Dialog.
3. Fixed a memory leak in the email groups. Each time you edited the groups
you would lose an amount of memory equal to that used to store the groups.
has been there since the very first version of POPmail II.
4. Fixed the Append Text option. First, it no longer does any formatting of
the appended text. It just reads it and sends it. This also fixes the
of seeing the appended text scrolling by in the sender window. Also fixes the
bomb that would occur if you closed the sender window before it finished
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/pop-mail-ii-209.hqx; 326K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1993 23:59:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matthew G Lehman <mlehman@uclink.berkeley.edu>
Subject: [*] san-francisco.hqx
This is a quicktime movie (actullay screen shots) of san francisco. There
is music along with it.
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/qt/san-francisco.hqx; 2657K]
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 19:46:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: f8dy@netaxs.com
Subject: [*] Shutdown FX 1.0.1 (INIT)
Shutdown FX is a simple INIT which will, at shutdown, clear the Mac
screen with an interesting graphic effect. It picks randomly from 8
of the effects that are included in MSG Demo. (That demo application
and partial source code are available from sumex-aim.stanford.edu, or
e-mail the primary author at f8dy@netaxs.com asking for a copy.)
Shutdown FX should work on any Macintosh under any system. The only
known flaw is that on systems with multiple monitors, only the main
monitor (the one with the menu bar) is cleared; all other monitors
are left untouched. If you find any other bugs, or if you have any
comments, please e-mail the author at f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim).
This INIT is free; there is no shareware fee. This archive contains
only the INIT itself. Complete source code is available and will be
uploaded to sumex-aim.stanford.edu, or e-mail the author requesting a
Shutdown FX is copyright 1993 by Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/shutdown-fx-101.hqx; 8K]
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 16:45:25 -0600
From: e-weidl@uchicago.edu (eric weidl)
Subject: [*] So To Speak 1.0b10
So To Speak is an application built in Serius Workshop which uses Apple's
new Speech Manager (aka. MacInTalk II, MacInTalk Pro, PlainTalk, and Gala
Tea. Geez!) To use So To Speak, you need version 1.0.b5 or later of the
Speech Manager.
So To Speak implements most, if not all, of the functions of the Speech
Manager. With So To Speak you can have mulitple voices speaking at the same
time, choose the voice to use from a pop-up menu listing all the available
voices, vary the pitch and rate of the voices as they are speaking, pause
and stop the speaking immediately, at the end of the current word, or at
the end of the current sentence, and continue paused speech.
Eric Weidl
[Archived as /info-mac/app/so-to-speek-10b10.hqx; 394K]
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 22:45:59 PDT
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] space-madness-111-demo.hqx
(5.65/IDA-1.4.2 for macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu); Fri, 17 Sep 93 18:49:05
Received: from localhost.cs.uoregon.edu by majestix.cs.uoregon.edu
(4.1/UofO CS 27-Mar-91) id AA14482; Fri, 17 Sep 93 18:48:44 PDT
Message-Id: <9309180148.AA14482@majestix.cs.uoregon.edu>
To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu
Subject: [*] Space Madness Demo v.1.1.1
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 93 18:48:42 -0700
From: "(Michael A. Kelly)" <mkelly@majestix.cs.uoregon.edu>
This is a playable demonstration version of the commercial action/arcade
game Space Madness. Space Madness is a space shoot-em-up in the tradition
of Asteroids, similar to Lunatic Fringe but much more complex and
challenging. Check out the review in the July issue of Inside Mac Games.
IMG gave it a rating of 4 (out of 5).
This demonstration version lets you play three levels, which correspond
roughly to levels 3, 8, and 10 in the real game. Space Madness is
available now in fine stores worldwide. Ask for it at your favorite
retail outlet, or call (800) 927-0771 to order direct from the publisher.
For more information, call (800) 927-0771, or email to highrisk@aol.com.
Michael A. Kelly
High Risk Ventures
[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/space-madness-111-demo.hqx; 866K]
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1993 01:04:07 -0700
From: iceman@eskimo.com (Tuan Huynh)
Subject: [*] Space Junkie 1.1
Space Junkie 1.1 submission (NEW VERSION)
Space Junkie is a shareware color arcade game for the Macintosh somewhat
based on the classic game Galaxian. It features colorful graphics, fast and
smooth 60fps animation and arcade-like sounds.
* Keyboard control
* Bonus ship every five waves
* Manual screen selection
* Minor bug fixes
Please consult the Read Me file for more info.
This game requires the following minimum hardware configuration:
- A color Macintosh with a 68020 CPU or better.
- A color or grayscale display with at least 16 colors and a minimum size of
512x384 pixels.
- At least 350Kb to run.
- 80 Kb on your hard disk (I hope that's not too much to ask for... :-)
Space Junkie is compatible with all known and reasonable Macintosh
configurations. It runs under either 24-bit or 32-bit mode and with any
number of monitors. It is compatible with both System 6 and 7 and was tested
on the Macintosh SE/30, II, LC, Color Powerbook, IIfx, IIsi, Color Classic,
IIci, Centris and Quadra computers.
Space Junkie is shareware. This means that I'd like you to register by
sending me US$15 if you like Space Junkie and subsequently decide to keep
it. Personal checks or money orders are welcome. This small fee is to
encourage me to support Space Junkie and write more new exciting software.
Thanks in advance for supporting shareware. You can reach me at the
following address:
Tuan Huynh
16549 NE 36th Ct, Apt #NN102
Redmond, WA 98052
I can also be reached via E-mail at:
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/space-junkie-11.hqx; 85K]
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1993 11:40:25 -0400
From: Joe Campbell <jpcampb@afterlife.ncsc.mil>
Subject: [*] Speech Manager/MacInTalk Pro/PlainTalk aware apps 6
Listing of Speech Manager/MacInTalk Pro/PlainTalk aware applications, 6e
(Display in small monofont, e.g., 9pt Courier)
Here are some of the Speech Manager aware text-to-speech (TTS)
applications that I know of (there are more on the Apple Developer
CD-ROMs). If I've missed some, please feel free to add to the list
and also let me know if you disagree with my "Comments." You'll
probably need to increase the memory allocations of Speech Manager
aware applications if you want to use the high quality voices (I
generally add a Meg or two because the high quality voices need a lot
of RAM). As for some applications, the ones I've been playing with
[Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/speech-manager-appls.txt; 4K]
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 93 16:50:15 PDT
From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
Subject: [*] Speed Beep 2.0.6
Here's a copy of Speed Beep 2.0.6. SB, among other things, returns your
Mac to you even during long beeps. Documentation can be found be pressing
the Help button in the control panel; also supports Balloon Help.
Speed Beep is by Robert Matthews, and is shareware for $10.
<jb2@math.ucdavis.edu> ``Still discovering the power of FullWrite.''
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/speed-beep-206.hqx; 93K]
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 20:10:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: f8dy@netaxs.com
Subject: [*] Startup Screen Picker 1.0 (INIT)
Startup Screen Picker is a simple INIT; drop it in your system folder
and restart your Macintosh. It allows you to have a random startup
screen (displayed while system extensions are loading at bootup).
This archive contains a README file explaining how to use it (e.g.
where to put the startup screen files you want to choose from), what
to expect, and a few things to keep in mind. (They're not bugs;
they're features. "I _meant_ to do that." :)
Startup Screen Picker is free; there is no shareware fee. Please
report any comments/suggestions/bugs to the author at f8dy@netaxs.com.
Startup Screen Picker 1.0 is copyright 1993 by Mark Pilgrim,
MerriMac Software Group.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/startup-screen-picker-10.hqx; 11K]
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 15:10:18 EDT
From: landis@ltpsun.gsfc.nasa.gov (David Landis)
Subject: [*] Submission- Star Trek-DS9 Episode Guide 2.0 stack
The Star Trek:DS9 Episode Guide stack (version 2.0) is now available for
Anonymous FTP. This stack contains all of Jen Hawthorne's plot synopses
for all of the episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It uses a
Federation-style interface to present the information to you. You can store
information on your video tape collection here, scan the episode synopses,
read the episode notes, and produce three different types of reports on
groups of episodes. It has been upgraded with some new features, many
suggested by the users themselves.
There are two additional stacks that go along with the TNG stack; one for
The Next Generation (TNG) and the other for the original Star Trek series
(TOS). All three stacks are linked with hypertext hot-links, allowing you
to click on an episode name in the Notes section and move directly to that
show's listing, anywhere in the three stacks.
David Landis
[Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/star-trek-ds9-episode-guide-hc.hqx; 516K]
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 15:19:57 EDT
From: landis@ltpsun.gsfc.nasa.gov (David Landis)
Subject: [*] Submission- Star Trek-TNG Episode Guide 2.0 stack
The Star Trek:TNG Episode Guide stack (version 2.0) is now available for
Anonymous FTP. This stack contains all of Tim Lynch's plot synopses
for all of the episodes of Star Trek: The Nexdt Generation. It uses a
Federation-style interface to present the information to you. You can store
information on your video tape collection here, scan the episode synopses,
read the episode notes, and produce three different types of reports on
groups of episodes. It has been upgraded with some new features, many
suggested by the users themselves.
There are two additional stacks that go along with the TNG stack; one for
Deep Space Nine (DS9) and the other for the original Star Trek series
(TOS). All three stacks are linked with hypertext hot-links, allowing you
to click on an episode name in the Notes section and move directly to that
show's listing, anywhere in the three stacks.
David Landis
[Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/star-trek-tng-episode-guide-20-hc.hqx; 733K]
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 15:16:16 EDT
From: landis@ltpsun.gsfc.nasa.gov (David Landis)
Subject: [*] Submission- Star Trek-TOS Episode Guide 2.0 stack
The Star Trek:TOS Episode Guide stack (version 2.0) is now available for
Anonymous FTP. This stack contains plot synopses for all of the episodes of
the original Star Trek series (Kirk & company). It uses a Federation-style
interface to present the information to you. You can store information on
your video tape collection here, scan the episode synopses, read the
episode notes, and produce three different types of reports on groups of
episodes. It has been upgraded with some new features, many suggested by
the users themselves.
There are two additional stacks that go along with the TNG stack; one for
The Next Generation (TNG) and the other for Seep Space Nine (DS9). All
three stacks are linked with hypertext hot-links, allowing you to click on
an episode name in the Notes section and move directly to that show's
listing, anywhere in the three stacks.
David Landis
[Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/star-trek-episode-guide-hc.hqx; 308K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 93 0:09:25 EDT
From: Kevin Hardman -- Personal Account <hard@rock.concert.net>
Subject: [*] Symbionts 2.2.2
As author of Symbionts 2.2.2 I'm sending you a stuffed and binhexed copy to
be included in your archive. I've included a brief description below:
This is a complete distribution of Symbionts 2.2.2 which replaces version
Users who already have 2.2 may download a separate self applying patch which
is much smaller (transmission times), but produces the same version as that
included in this package.
Symbionts is an extension that monitors the startup process. Symbionts
displays the name and number of bytes of memory each system extension
allocates from the system heap. The name and number appear beneath the
extension's icon, and since the name is usually truncated, Symbionts also
displays it in the menu bar. Symbionts even shows the icons for those
extensions that don't normally reveal themselves.
Symbionts Control is a control panel that sets the preferences for the
Symbionts extension. It also allows the review of the information collected
by the Symbionts extension. Additionally, the control panel is used to
manage the loading of system extensions without having to dig around in the
System folder. Extension can be enabled and disabled simply by
double-clicking on the extension icon and name.
Both items require System 7.0 or higher. Comments and wish lists welcome.
Please send all correspondences to hard@rock.concert.net.
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/symbionts-222.hqx; 85K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 93 0:10:49 EDT
From: Kevin Hardman -- Personal Account <hard@rock.concert.net>
Subject: [*] Symbionts 2.2.2 self-applying patch for 2.2 users
As author of Symbionts 2.2.2 I'm sending you a stuffed and binhexed copy to
be included in your archive. I've included a brief description below:
This is a self applying patch that upgrades Symbionts 2.2 or Symbionts 2.2.1
to version 2.2.2. 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 fix minor problems:
- 2.2 occasionally reported that a set was changed and asked the user to
save changes even when the set was not changed.
- 2.2 and 2.2.1 would not replace duplicate files when System 7 Personal
AppleShare was active.
- 2.2 and 2.2.1 Symbionts Control was slow to open on some machines.
Symbionts is an extension that monitors the startup process. Symbionts
displays the name and number of bytes of memory each system extension
allocates from the system heap. The name and number appear beneath the
extension's icon, and since the name is usually truncated, Symbionts also
displays it in the menu bar. Symbionts even shows the icons for those
extensions that don't normally reveal themselves.
Symbionts Control is a control panel that sets the preferences for the
Symbionts extension. It also allows the review of the information collected
by the Symbionts extension. Additionally, the control panel is used to
manage the loading of system extensions without having to dig around in the
System folder. Extension can be enabled and disabled simply by
double-clicking on the extension icon and name.
Both items require System 7.0 or higher. Comments and wish lists welcome.
Please send all correspondences to hard@rock.concert.net.
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/symbionts-222-updt.hqx; 21K]
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 93 15:02:35 +0200
From: sygnet@iap.fr (Jean-Francois Sygnet)
Subject: [*] system enablers [A]
[To the moderators: I think this file should be posted in the digest
AND in the archives, maybe as ./cfg/system-enablers-93-09.txt]
Thanks to Norman_Chretien@wheatonma.edu who provided me with
the definite answer (as of August 93) about system enablers
straigth from AppleLink (note that this file superseeds
system-enablers-read-me.txt (Feb 20, 1993) found on ftp.apple.com):
Jean-Francois Sygnet <sygnet@iap.fr>
[Archived as /info-mac/info/system-enablers-93-09.txt; 3K]
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 93 20:46:34 +0200
From: d88-jwa@nada.kth.se
Subject: [*] Talking Clock Pro(tm) Source Code
For those in need of a simple platform to build an application upon,
or simply wanting to see how to implement an AppleScript-savvy talking
clock faceless background extension, I present:
The Source.
/ h+
-- Jon W{tte, h+@nada.kth.se, Mac Hacker Deluxe --
Hackers push all the right buttons.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/talking-clock-pro-c.hqx; 107K]
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 17:01:42 -0700
From: owen@astro.washington.edu (Russell E. Owen)
Subject: [*] TurboGopher 1.0.7, belongs in comm
Here is TurboGopher version 1.0.7, a nice gopher client (TCP/IP information
getter) from the fine folks at U. Mich. It requires MacTCP (sold by Apple)
and a connection to The Internet.
This version supercedes version 1.0.5.
-- Russell
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/turbo-gopher-107.hqx; 427K]
Date: 17 Sep 1993 08:25:25 U
From: "ML Weasner" <ML_Weasner@qmail4.nba.TRW.COM>
Subject: [*] Upload for Mac Archives
Here is ComIT 1.8, a Communication Integration Tool for Apple(R) Macintosh(R)
computers. With ComIT you can monitor communication costs for on-line connect
time and voice phone calls. You can use ComIT to dial your voice calls and
monitor the duration and cost of the call.
ComIT supports Macintosh Plus and newer computers with at least 1MB of
ComIT is compatible with multiple monitors and large screen monitors.
ComIT requires System 6.0 or later. ComIT 1.8 is System 7.0 friendly,
Balloon Help, and it is 32-bit clean.
ComIT is a shareware program. If you like and use ComIT, please send your name
and mailing address to the author along with the $20.00 (U.S.) shareware fee.
Registered users of ComIT will receive a printed manual, support via online
services, and future updates free or at reduced cost. There are many
capabilities in ComIT that are documented in the manual. In fairness to those
who register, unregistered users will not receive any support.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/com-it-18.hqx; 180K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 93 13:04:33 +0200
From: simula3@di.unito.it ( Rodella-Morena)
Subject: [*] Verifile 1.0.1
Verifile is a small utility that calculates a checksum and a
CRC32 on both the data and resource forks of any file that's
dropped on it. This is useful if you want to compare two
files that are not on the same machine without having to
copy them over a network or modem connection. If the
hexadecimal numbers displayed by Verifile match, chances are
that the two files are equal.
1.0.1 fixes a nasty bug which used to occur under System 6.
Thanks to Howard L. Dyckman (dyckman@nosc.mil) who reported
the bug.
Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/verifile-101.hqx; 34K]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1993 16:56:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: C Nilson <macaw@u.washington.edu>
Subject: [*] WomenInSwimsuit.startupscreen
Enclose is a startupscreen for 14" monitor (640X480).
This startupscreen contains two Nice looking Asian woman pictures
with a purple backgroud.
Have fun
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/asian-startup.hqx; 804K]
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 93 11:22:41 CDT
From: ehfm@midway.uchicago.edu (Eric Hoffmann)
Subject: [*] ZZWoof_b10.cpt
Dear Moderators:
Please replace any earlier version of ZZWoof with this update.
ZZWoof is an add-on to the Macintosh FidoNet Point mail program, "MacWoof."
ZZWoof requires MacWoof and adds ZedZap file transfers with error-recovery.
This is beta version #10, which fixes some bugs with 68000 systems. Despite
the "beta" notation, this is quite stable software and is being used with
great success.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/zz-woof.hqx; 155K]
End of Info-Mac Digest